When I began the Wise Women Project, one of the first people I interviewed was myself. Learn more about my full about my process and how I view creative endeavors here.  

“Art and creativity are the very things that help me disseminate and navigate what is happening in the world and my own life. The outlet of creativity has always helped me make sense of my experiences and I honestly don’t know how I might have coped without it this year. Whether I am shooting portraits, working on my memoir or painting joyful flowers, I am transported and fully engaged. Any worries I might have fade into the background.”

The 2021 Wise Women Project features interviews and portraits of women over 50 with the goal of recognizing the many ways women contribute and provide inspiration to our community. These are their stories. I am expanding this project into 2022 and am hoping to travel to meet women in locations outside of Colorado. Want to participate? Learn more here.