Sharing my work

“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.” ~Edward Degas

We all ‘see’ differently. Take a few photographers on a mountain trail and even if we photograph the same thing, the images will be different. Here I share what I see.

Behind the scenes

Learning how other artists work is fascinating to me. Their individual process can offer validation or information. Creativity is a marvelous thing unique to each individual. I’ll take you behind the scenes of my own work and process in these posts.

Portraits: Mary Ellen

Portraits: Mary Ellen

Working with Mary Ellen was one of my favorite sessions of 2020! We met at Mary Ellen's home which had a lovely backyard setting and included hives. The joy on her face when she tended to her bees was contagious.

Portraits: Esther

Portraits: Esther

I love this picture of Esther who revels in the spirituality of the natural world. We met at Chautauqua which allowed for a variety of settings and outfit changes. Ninety minutes of joy!

Aspen Leaves

Aspen Leaves

Fall is my favorite time of year; the smell of leaves on the ground, crisp air, bright colors. We recently spent some time in Aspen country, and these aspen leaves are my favorite image. All alone, but so strong.



When I took this picture, I had my light settings wrong. The white balance was still set to sunlight but I did not delete the image because I found the 'mistake' more interesting than what might have been considered a perfect image.

New Mom

New Mom

This image is one of my favorites from my daughter's early days as new mom. The smile on her face, the tiny body curled up, bum in the air, in comfort. The awe in watching a new life grow. All of those things are here. Some images are perfect in spite of themselves.

The Joy of Yellow Sunflowers

The Joy of Yellow Sunflowers

Sunflowers, and the color yellow cannot help but make you smile. Joy and the art I've created from my garden has been vast this year. I am grateful for nature's continuous bounty.

My Garden

My Garden

My garden looks disorganized and chaotic as a whole, but when I explore it in the early morning, I am enchanted. If my mood is dark, it doesn't remain that way. How could it when I see something like this?



I love these captures! The ones where my subject isn't thinking, she's just reacting. And laughter is a lovely melody when genuine.

My Heart Stopped

My Heart Stopped

Seriously. Look at this lovely plant! I saw her while on a bike ride, sans camera so had to return the next day. My heart stopped. In a good way.

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